

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Dog Otter in the Harbour

He was very laid back and just popped under the water every few minutes and and would pop back up           with some food    


at one point he was scared by the passing of a ferry and took shelter by a fishing trawler, giving us a better view                                                                              

from this you really see his large webbed feet

and then he was gone


Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Our Skies

 Here are a few of the dramatic skies we see from our windows

Sunday, September 10, 2023

Great White part 2

 It would appear that some of the caterpillars have been attacked by parasitic wasps as they are claiming the apartment wall and eggs emerge and the poor caterpillar covers them with silk and the stays and guards them untill it dies rather than pupate........

This little guy missed the target with his silk, not suppressing really 

also our eight legged friends are waiting in the wings to get a meal from these zombie like creatures

Thursday, August 31, 2023

Large Wites

 We had a few self seeded black radis in the front garden, we left them as the bees loved the flowers and now so it seems so do the large white butterfly caterpillars......like the leaves.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Little ones grow up fast

here we have mummy tweety with from left to right Tintin, Thompson and Snowy

Thursday, April 2, 2020

Hello Everyone we hope you are all staying safe.....

I would never have guessed that it was a year since my last post, that will change and I will try and post as often as possible so those of you who are cooped up inside can at least get some images of the great outdoors even if it is just our garden.

At this time of great worry and sadness we thought you may like to meet our very latest addition to our gang. This little ball of fluff hatched to surrogate mother Tweety this morning.

we obviously do not know if it is a boy or girl but its mum was Georgina Hennington and dad was Mr White.

Here we have all the hens sunning themselves on the mountain and they are from left to right Tweety, Pebble, Dash and Georgina.

and finally here is the daddy our Silky Cockerel Mr White or Big Daddy.......

This time last year it was cold and wet but this year it is warm and sunny, a good year to come into this crazy world.

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Our Neighbours

We have sheep that wander all around the garden and occasionally through it - now is our favourite time as the lambs are here - some even have special coats for our Irish weather !

Number 27 lamb is only a day old and follows mum around like a shadow.

Keeps them warm and dry and just drops off as they grow...

Running, Jumping. Skipping and Butting Heads is how they pass the time

along with eating and sleeping of course.

The mums always keep a beady eye on us humans as we are not to be trusted

A black and white bundle of loveliness.