

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

The Snow is still here.

The snow stayed around today so I spent some time in the garden watching the comings and goings of our little friends.....................


The first of the usual suspect was one of the Robins.

They are very territorial and sing Tuc Tuc at each other to so show who is in charge.

Then along came a lady Chaffinch and tomorrow I will try and get a male

Next came one of my favourites who can be hard to catch as they are very fast and cautious but I  managed to get this one as it left with it's spoils

Then who should pop up but my new mate Mr Pu, it was the middle of the day but still out of his nest he came to steal the ducks grain..............after being spooked by something he runs and hides down out came more creatures who should wear striped shirts, masks and carry bags marked SWAG on their backs.

Our colony of Sparrows almost always fly as a flock for safety so when one arrives the rest soon follows.

You just cannot stop her she was waiting outside in the freezing cold for me to get her lead and take her down the lane.

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