

Saturday, February 22, 2014


This is so Scarlett can see our new arrivals - they are three young ducks who are all females.
Here we have Jackie, Jemima and Polly, so-called because Sue says that Jackie and Polly look like a Jackson Pollock painting.

These guys have never seen a pond or large amount of water so we will see how long it takes for them to follow the other ducks and start to enjoy a good swim and a bath. 
We only really wanted to just get the two dark ones but knew that the other would be in the pot tomorrow if she did not come home with us.
Another very temporary guest is this little chap who is a Garden Dormouse, whose hibernation I disturbed when getting some bales of straw down from our pile.
I popped him into a box with some of the straw and am happy to say that shortly after this photo session he burrowed into the straw curled into a ball and went back to sleep. He is now safe in a quiet cold part of the house where he will stay for the next few weeks until he is ready for the great outdoors.
To finish here are two shots of our Snowdrops before they fade away for another year......


1 comment:

  1. Super photos - hope the ducks are settling in and the door-mouse has a good sleep! Look forward to more in the future.
