

Thursday, December 20, 2012

9 Ladies Dancing

If you are a Trekkie then you'll know about 7 of 9; well this isn't her, but they are fun to watch waddling around. Although we have nine Mallard ducks that live on our pond only seven stay together as the male of the odd couple is bullied by one or two of the other males.

 Here are the seven including BlueBe, YellowBe, Pretty and the oldest, Eliza.

Next comes Two-spot and his missis the odd couple who are inseperable. You can see below; they really enjoy wandering around together even in torrential rain.
So it could be said that they were nine duckies dancin in the rain.
This is the bully boy YellowBe. The only one he doesn't push around, peck at or chase is his father BlueBe - who has always been the one that looks after all the others and is always on the lookout for danger.

Here you can see the seven of nine with BlueBe on the ouside looking after the others.
 eight - seven - six - five - four - three - two
and a song thrush in a fir tree.



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