

Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Favourites

Well today was an average day noticed a pair of Swallows had joined us here at La Chabotterie, they were a pair of adults from last year - I was able to tell because one has part of a tail feather missing. After finishing the cleaning of the Gite I wondered out in to the garden with my camera to see what could be captured, yet again I missed the Grey Heron who visits the pond, it is so timid and is gone the moment it sees or hears anything ( I will get him one day ). Anyway from the corner of my eye I spotted the motion of a pair of familiar birds so far not seen this year, I was right it was one of our pairs of Goldfinch's so here is my bird of the day..........................

They are always inseparable at this time of year until one is sitting on the nest. You can just see the other one on the branch above, it was impossible to get a shot of them sitting together so I will have to try harder and hope luck is on my side.

 So now to the other newcomers a pair of Swallows, they are a pair that have returned from last year as they normally do, this pair I can identify because of a damaged tail feather, you can clearly see the tail on the next two shots.

Can you imagine what this must feel like.
Oh to be able to fly like this.

When we moved here we had many pairs living here, however most lived in what is now the kitchen. They relocated when they returned in 2008 to find I had covered all ways into the building - but not without a fight
they would sit on the telephone cables and try to come into the house if you opened the door. Some left us altogether while others found new places to nest around the buildings and had a reasonable number of young, yet for some reason only a few arrived back in 2009. Last year however was a good year with at least one of the Tower pairs having two clutches of young that seemed all to have survived to leave us for the long journey to their winter home. I hope this year to see more of these lovely creatures come and reside with us for the summer - I will keep you informed.

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