

Monday, April 25, 2011

New Arrivals

Today we have new arrivals in the pond that are real Easter Chicks they must have hatched yesterday.
So today the Bird of the Day is a Moorhen parents and chicks...................... 

These must be the ugliest babies but at the same time very beautiful.

We have at least three chicks as you can see here, however there are normally more
and who always get well looked after by the adults. If a second clutch is
hatched in a few weeks time these babies will help to bring them up.

You can just see an adults beak behind

Two funny little fluffy balls

Here an adult is feeding them - sorry about the brambles in front but I leave
them as protection for just such times, this way they keep safe from
predators such as Magpies etc........ I would rather have a bad shot than no babies.

They will grow up really quickly - I will try to keep you up to date.

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